


* Admissions for the batches of January’23 are open, registrations are available online *

Courses at Rudraksh Shipping Services​

Pre Sea Training

The Pre Sea Training (PST) is a 45 Days (30 Days institutional+ 15 Days STCW) course designed for people who want to work in the merchant navy after completing their 10th standard and have a low budget. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals to gain awareness and training about the merchant navy.

The program includes a mandatory course called STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping). This course teaches candidates essential skills and knowledge to ensure their safety and the crew’s safety while on board a ship. It covers various scenarios that can occur at sea and provides strategies for managing them effectively.

Our objective is to prepare highly qualified merchant mariners with the technical and soft skills required for a successful career in the Merchant Navy. We strive to offer the best training to our candidates to enable them to succeed in their careers. After successful completion of the training, we also help place the trained crew on board vessels under our management.

Eligibility Criteria for Pre Sea Training Course

Before applying for the Pre Sea Training course in India, it’s important for prospective candidates to understand the eligibility requirements of the course.

  • Pass in 10th from a recognised education board.
  • Medically and physically fit.
  • No visual aids or colour blindness.
  • Eye vision (+) or (-) 2.5 allowed.
  • Age – 18 to 28 years.

Certificates Provided in Pre Sea Training

Upon successful completion, the academy will issue the PST course certificate and the STCW course certificate. Additionally, candidates will receive the INDOS (Indian National Database for Seafarers) and CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate) awards. These certificates hold significant importance as they serve as identification documents for seafarers.

Career Flow in Pre Sea Training Course

45 Days (30 Days institutional+ 15 Days STCW) General Awareness Program (STCW)→ Join as Trainee Ordinary Seaman in Deck/Trainee Wiper in Engine for a minimum period of 18 months with a stipend of 200$ – 400$ → After getting a watchkeeping certificate, sail as AB/OILER for 12 to 18 months with a salary of 400$ -800$ or 800$ – 1200$ respectively→ After total sea time of 24 months, appear for NCV 2nd mate (Deck) or appear for class 4 NCV (Engine) → Upon obtaining 2nd mate, sail as 2nd officer or obtaining class 4 certificate, sail as 4th engineer with a salary of 3500$ – 5500$ → Further sea experience & passing exam, can rise to the rank of Master Mariner/Chief engineer with a salary of 8500$ -12000$

Placement Opportunities After Pre Sea Training Course in India

Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. Through our dedicated placement assessment cell, we bridge the gap between industry requirements and candidate qualifications.

The performance and capabilities of our candidates during the course play a crucial role in securing placements with reputable companies offering competitive packages.

We offer lifelong support to our students, ensuring that they have assistance whenever they encounter any difficulties. Students can reach out to us, and we will be glad to help them resolve any issues they may face.

Discover the diverse range of merchant navy courses in Jaipur, Rajasthan available at Rudraksh Shipping Services and embark on a rewarding career in the Merchant Navy.

Orientation Course For Catering Personnel

Rudraksh Shipping Services offers a program called the Orientation Course for Catering Personnel (OCCP) which follows the rules laid down by the Director General of Shipping in the Indian Government. This program lasts for two months and is held in a residential setting. It is specially created for people who have a degree in hotel management and have expertise in cooking.

During the program, participants learn about the different skills and responsibilities required to work as Marine Catering Personnel. They gain knowledge about various techniques used in catering for ships and how to perform their duties effectively.

Eligibility Criteria for OCCP Course

Before applying for the OCCP course in India, it’s crucial for potential candidates to become familiar with and follow the admission requirements associated with the OCCP program. This will ensure that your application is eligible for consideration and increase your chances of being accepted into the program.

  • Pass in 10th standard or above from a recognised education board with 40% aggregate and 40% in English subject either in 10th or (10+2).
  • Diploma/Degree Certificate in Hotel Management from UGC or AICTE approved.
  • Medically and physically fit.
  • No visual aids and colour blindness.
  • Age 18 to 28.

Upon successful completion of the OCCP course, the academy will issue certificates that are recognized and approved by the Director General of Shipping. These certificates include the OCCP course certificate itself, as well as the STCW course certificate. Furthermore, candidates will receive INDOS (Indian National Database for Seafarers) and CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate) awards. These certificates hold significant importance as they serve as identification for seafarers.

Career Flow in OCCP Course

2 month Pre Sea Training Course → Join as Steward with a Stipend of 300$ – 400$ → Assistant Cook with a salary of 1000$ → Cook with a salary of 1400$ → Chief Cook with a salary of 1700$

Placement Opportunities After Orientation Course For Catering Personnel

Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. Through our dedicated placement assessment cell, we bridge the gap between industry requirements and candidate qualifications.

The performance and capabilities of our candidates during the course play a crucial role in securing placements with reputable companies offering competitive packages.

We offer lifelong support to our students, ensuring that they have assistance whenever they encounter any difficulties. Students can reach out to us, and we will be glad to help them resolve any issues they may face.

Discover the diverse range of merchant navy courses in Jaipur, Rajasthan available at Rudraksh Shipping Services and embark on a rewarding career in the Merchant Navy.

Certificate Course In Maritime Catering

This is a 6-month basic residential course in the Maritime Catering sector approved by the Director General of Shipping, Government of India. The course involves training cadets in maritime food and beverage services. Catering personnel takes care of the ship’s food, provision stores, general hygiene and housekeeping. Candidates are required to complete the STCW courses which are mandatory for employment on board ships.

CCMC Course Qualification
There are several factors that decide whether or not you will qualify to pursue the CCMC course. Following is the list of criteria that one must keep in mind while applying for the course:

  • Degree/Diploma in Hotel Management from a recognized and reputed Board or University, 40% marks in English in 10th/ 10+2
  • Must be medically and physically fit to have a career on ships.
  • 6/6 eye vision and no colour blindness
  • The age requirement for the course is between 18 to 25 years of age.

Certificates Provided in CCMC Course
After candidates, complete training and course, a certificate of competence as a cook in the merchant navy and an STCW course certificate will be issued by the academy and approved by the Director General of Shipping. In addition to that, the candidate will be awarded INDOS & CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate). These certificates are of exceptionally high value as they are used for the identification of seafarers.

Career Flow in CCMC Course in Merchant Navy
6-month pre-sea training → Join as Assistant Cook with a stipend of 400$ – 600$ → With further sea experience, sail as a cook with a salary of 800$ – 1500$ → Can rise up to the rank of Chief Cook/ Catering Officer with a salary of 2000$ – 3500$

Placement Opportunities After CCMC Course in India
Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. In our active placement assessment cell, we act as mediators between the industry and the candidates. The performance and capabilities of the candidates during the course hold great importance in getting placed at a good company with a high package. 

Lifetime placement support will be given to the students. In case of any problems, students may get in touch with us and we shall help them sort it out.

Electro Technical Officer

This course is designed as a 4-month residential course to shape the candidates with the desired skills and knowledge required in the Electronics and Electrical in ships.

Eligibility For ETO Course
To be eligible for the Electro Technical Officer course, one should possess the below criteria:

  • B.E/B.TECH (EEE) from a College recognized by AICTE with 50% marks in the final year, 50% in English in 10th / 10+2 / Degree.
  • Should be medically and physically fit.
  • 6/6 eye vision, No Color blindness
  • Should not be colour blinded.
  • Should lie in the age group of 18-25 years.

Certificates Provided After ETO Courses in India-
A certificate will be provided on the successful completion of the STCW course, which will be issued by the academy and approved by the Director General of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping government of India, which will make the candidates eligible to join Merchant Ships as Trainee Electrical Officer. The candidates will also be awarded INDOS and CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate). These certificates are of very high value as they are used for the identification of seafarers.

Electro Technical Officer Career Flow Chart –
A 4-month specialized program training along with a mandatory 4 STCW course approved by D.G. Shipping, Govt. of India → Junior Electro Technical Officer on board a ship with a salary of 900-2000$ USD a month → With further experience, will be promoted to Electro Technical Officer board a ship with a salary of 2000$ – 5000$

Placement Opportunities After ETO Marine Course In India
Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. In our active placement assessment cell, we act as mediators between the industry and the candidates. The performance and capabilities of the candidates during the course hold great importance in getting placed at a good company with a high package. 

Lifetime placement support will be given to the students. In case of any problems, students may get in touch with us and we shall help them sort it out.

General Purpose Rating Course

Approved by the Director General of Shipping, Government of India, we offer a 6-month residential GP Rating course which focuses on training cadets in two main roles of the shipping sector- Deck crew and engine crew. Deck and Engine Rating programmes are offered separately; however, GP Rating combines both of them and instructs candidates in both facets!

GP Rating Course Eligibility-
There are certain things that need to be considered while applying for the general purpose rating course. These criteria decide whether you are eligible for the desired course or not. Following are the GP rating course eligibility-

  • Pass in 10th standard or above from recognised board with 40% aggregate and 40% in English subject either in 10th or (10+2)
  • Must be medically and physically fit
  • 6/6 eye vision and no colour blindness
  • Age: 18 to 25 years

Placement Opportunities After GP Rating Course in India
Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. In our active placement assessment cell, we act as mediators between the industry and the candidates. The performance and capabilities of the candidates during the course hold great importance in getting placed at a good company with a high package. 

Lifetime placement support will be given to the students. In case of any problems, students may get in touch with us and we shall help them sort it out.

Graduate In Marine Engineering

This 12-month graduation course in Marine Engineering is offered to those applicants who are pursuing their graduation in Mechanical Engineering and wish to change their career path to Marine Engineering. The GME course is duly approved by the Directorate General of Shipping. The syllabus comprises subjects related to marine engines and marine workshop training and practices.

GME Course Eligibility-
There are certain things that need to be considered while applying for the course. These GME course eligibility criteria decide whether you are qualified for the desired course or not. Following are the eligibility criteria for this course-

  • B.E. or B. Tech (Mechanical or Naval Arch) from AICTE-approved college/university with a minimum of 60% marks and at least 50% in English in 10th / 10+2.
  • Must be medically and physically fit
  • 6/6 eye vision and no colour blindness
  • Age must be 18 to 25 years

Certificates Provided After Graduation in Marine Engineering
After the successful completion of the course, an official Certificate of Competency will be issued to the candidates by the academy which will be approved by D.G. Shipping, Government of India.

Career Flow Chart-
12 months pre-sea training (exempted from Class IV Part ‘A’ Certificate of Competency) → Join as Junior/ Trainee Engineer for a minimum period of 8 months on board a ship with a stipend of 400$ – 800$ → Obtain Class IV Part ‘B’ Certificate of Competency, Sail as 4th Engineer for 12 months with a salary of 3500$- 5500$ → Obtain Class II (Part ‘A’ & ‘B’) Certificate of Competency, Sail as 3rd Engineer for 18 months with a salary of 5500$ – 7500$ → Obtain Class I Certificate of Competency, Sail as 2nd Engineer / Chief Engineer with a salary of 8000$ – 12000$.

Placement Opportunities After GME Course in India
Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. In our active placement assessment cell, we act as mediators between the industry and the candidates. The performance and capabilities of the candidates during the course hold great importance in getting placed at a good company with a high package. 

Lifetime placement support will be given to the students. In case of any problems, students may get in touch with us and we shall help them sort it out.

Marine Engineering Course

The Marine Engineering course from Rudraksh Shipping Services is a 4-year degree course duly approved by D.G. Shipping, Government of India and AICTE. The academy imparts comprehensive training in Marine Engineering, shipboard practice and familiarization with ships along with workshop training (as per IMO modules).

Marine Engineering Eligibility-
There are certain things that need to be considered while applying for the ETO course in India. These criteria decide whether you are eligible for the desired course or not. Following are the eligibility criteria for ETO courses – 

  • Minimum 10+2 PCM or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60%.
  • Must be medically and physically fit
  • 6/6 eye vision and no colour blindness
  • Age: 18 to 25 years

Certificates Provided After Maritime Engineering Courses
After the successful completion of the course along with mandatory STCW, an official degree will be issued to the candidates hu the academy which will be approved by D.G. Shipping, Government of India.

Marine Engineering in India Career Flow Chart
The 4-year course along with STCW course training → Exempted from MEO Class (IV) Part A-Examination, Sea Service for 6 months as Junior / Trainee Engineer with a stipend of 450$ -850$ → Completion of 3 advanced Safety Training Courses (AFF, PSCRB & MFA), 3 months preparatory course including simulator, Obtain MEO Class (IV) Exam part (B) and Sail as 4th Engineer for 12 months with a salary of 3500$ – 5500$ → 4 months preparatory course including simulator, Obtain MEO Class II (Part A& B) Certificate of Competency and Sail as 3rd Engineer for 18 months with a salary of 5500$ – 7500$ → 2 months preparatory course including simulator, Obtain MEO Class I Certificate of Competency, Join Ship as 2ndEngineer and later Chief Engineer with a salary of 7500$ -12,000$

Placement Opportunities After Marine Engineering Training in India
Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. In our active placement assessment cell, we act as mediators between the industry and the candidates. The performance and capabilities of the candidates during the course hold great importance in getting placed at a good company with a high package.

Lifetime placement support will be given to the students. In case of any problems, students may get in touch with us and we shall help them sort it out.

Diploma In Nautical Science

As a top maritime college in India for DNS, We offer a one-year residential course (Divided into two semesters) that is approved by Indian Maritime University and the Director General of Shipping, Government of India. DNS Course is a course leading to B.Sc., Nautical Science after 18 months of sea service and also leading to 2nd Mate Foreign going Certificate of competency. We train the cadets to help them in becoming navigating officers on board Merchant Naval Ships anywhere in the world.

DNS Merchant Navy Eligibility
There are several factors that decide whether or not you will qualify to pursue the DNS course. Following is the list of criteria that one must keep in mind while applying for the course –

  • Minimum 10+2 with 60% marks in PCM aggregate or 55% marks in the final year of B.Sc. with physics / B.E./ B.Tech and 50% marks in English in 10th/ 10+2/ Degree.
  • Must be medically and physically fit.
  • 6/6 eye vision and no color blindness
  • The age requirement for the course is between 18 to 25 years of age.

Career Flow in DNS Course in Merchant Navy
After completion of 12 months Diploma in Nautical Science (Semester 1 & 2 – IMU) along with mandatory STCW courses Join as Deck Cadet/Junior Officer for 18 months of on-board ship training comprising semesters 3, 4 and 5 (With Distance Learning Programme by IMU), Awarded Advance Diploma in Nautical Science by IMU with a stipend of 400$ – 600$ 4 months preparatory Post-sea course, Obtain 2nd Mate Certificate of Competency by Director General of Shipping, Govt. of India, Sail as 3rd / 2ndNavigating Officer on merchant ships with a salary of 3500$ – 5500$ → 6 months preparatory post sea course, Obtain 1st mate Certificate of Competency, complete 18 months sea service with a salary of 5500$ – 8500$ → Advance Ship Management Course followed by an exam, Written & Oral Examination, Obtain Master Certificate of Competency and sail as Master / Captain of the ship with a salary of 8500$ – 12000$.

Placement Opportunities After DNS Course in India
Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. In our active placement assessment cell, we act as mediators between the industry and the candidates. The performance and capabilities of the candidates during the course hold great importance in getting placed at a good company with a high package. 

Lifetime placement support will be given to the students. In case of any problems, students may get in touch with us and we shall help them sort it out.

B.Sc. Nautical Science

This is 3 years degree course approved by the Director General of Shipping, Govt. of India. After the completion of 1-year residential training, the candidate undertakes the sea phase for 12 months on board ship residential training in Nautical Science. They are also required to undergo a 4-month post-sea training in any training institute (2nd mate function). After the successful completion of the training & passing the exam candidate will be awarded a certificate of competency by the Director General of Shipping and a B.Sc. Degree in (Nautical Science) by IMU.

Eligibility For B.Sc. Nautical Science
There are several nautical science requirements that decide whether or not you will qualify to pursue the course. Following is the list of criteria that one must keep in mind while applying for the course –

  • Pass in 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60% and 50% Marks in English in 10th or 10+2.
  • Must be medically and physically fit.
  • 6/6 eye vision and no colour blindness
  • The age requirement for the course is between 18 to 25 years of age.

Certificates Provided in CCMC Course
After successful completion of the training, B.Sc. in Nautical Science degree will be awarded by Indian Maritime University (IMU).

Career Flow in CCMC Course in Merchant Navy
12 months pre-sea training (semester 1 & 2 – IMU) program along with mandatory 4 STCW courses → Join as deck cadet onboard a vessel for a minimum period of 12 months with a stipend of 300$ -500$ → 4 months preparatory post-sea training, obtain 2nd mate Certificate of Competency, Sail as 3rd / 2nd Navigating officer for 12 months with a salary of 3500$ – 5500$ → 6 months preparatory post sea training, obtain 1st mate Certificate of Competency, Complete 18 months sea time as 1st navigating officer/ Chief Officer with a salary of 5500$ – 8500$ → Obtain Master Certificate of Competency and sail as Master/ Captain of the ship with a salary of 8500$- 12000$.

Placement Opportunities After CCMC Course in India
Rudraksh has established a market based on trust rather than deception in the merchant navy training academy. We guarantee the best placements with the highest packages. In our active placement assessment cell, we act as mediators between the industry and the candidates. The performance and capabilities of the candidates during the course hold great importance in getting placed at a good company with a high package. 

Lifetime placement support will be given to the students. In case of any problems, students may get in touch with us and we shall help them sort it out. 

Explore more courses for the merchant navy offered by Rudraksh Shipping Services and kickstart your career in the Merchant Navy. To know about the fee structure for the OCCP course at Rudraksh, contact us at +91 96490 00162.
